Class #37: Buddhist Path of Awakening Course; “Cutting through the Numbness of Ego,” Chapter 68

The reading assignment for the class recording below provides further elaboration of the Five Paths. See below to review Zoom class recording.

The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Vol. I, The Path of Individual Liberation, pp.526-545:

  • Chapter 68, “Cutting through the Numbness of Ego”

See below to review the recording of the class (also available on YouTube). Recorded via Zoom on Tuesday, June 1, 2021.

Join our ongoing online Buddhist Course

We meet every Tuesday evening at 6:45-7:00 pm Eastern Time for conversation and 7:00-7:30 pm for meditation (you may come for any part or just for class). Class is from 7:35 pm ET until around 9:00 pm ET.

Reading is recommended but optional.

Led by John Baker, Barry Cunningham, Laura Read, and Michael Kern

For those who plan to attend regularly, advance registration would be greatly appreciated.

Zoom Video Recordings of Class #37

Enjoyed this recording? Please consider making a donation here.

Missed more classes or would like to review them again? All video recordings from the start (Fall 2020) up until today, can be found upon request on this page. Also remember to subscribe to our YouTube Channel to get notified when our next Zoom class recording is available.

About the Buddhist Path of Awakening Course

Tuesday Zoom Schedule

We meet 6:45-7:00 pm Eastern Time for conversation and 7:00-7:30 pm for meditation (you may come for any part or just for class). Class is from 7:35 pm ET until around 9:00 pm ET.

The reading assignment for the class is a chapter from The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume I, The Path of Individual Liberation

The reading from each class is optional but recommended. Buy the book from independent book stores or online here.

Drop-ins welcome.

Cost per Class: $10 suggested donation.

For those who plan to attend regularly, advance class registration would be greatly appreciated.

To join our next Tuesday Zoom meeting without registering. Click here to request access to Zoom meeting. We meet every Tuesday (except holidays) on Zoom starting with meditation at 6:45/7 PM. Suggested donation per class is $10 donation.

Wednesday Meditation Discussion Group

Our regular discussion group meets on Wednesday each week from 7:35-8:30 pm Eastern Time (just after the evening meditation). The purpose: to provide you with a forum for discussion of your path, your study of the dharma (including the week’s class), your meditation practice, and if you wish, circumstances of your life. Please come!

About the Book Series written by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

Starting in 1973 Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, newly arrived in the U.S. from Tibet by way of India and England, began accompanying his students each year on a 3-month fall retreat, presenting them with the teachings of the three divisions of Tibetan Buddhism: Hinayana (Foundational Vehicle), Mahayana (Great Vehicle), and Vajrayana (Indestructible Vehicle). He continued to do this for thirteen years, and the teachings he gave have been transcribed and digested into the three volumes ofThe Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, one volume for each vehicle.

These volumes are one of the very finest ways to immerse oneself in the teachings of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, and they are presented by one of the most profound expositors of Buddhism to arrive in the West. Trungpa Rinpoche loved the Western language and culture, and he presented the teachings in Western idiom, translating the often culturally unfamiliar images beautifully into English.

  • Talk recordings are available for viewing on our YouTube Channel

  • To sign up for our weekly emails, click on this link

  • All class meetings take place on Zoom - View meeting instructions here

New to Meditation?

Meditation instruction available upon request and on our daily morning meditation. Either let the group leader know at start of session or email us at

Watch also video recordings and recommended readings here.




Class #38: Buddhist Path of Awakening Course; Chapter 69


Class #36: Buddhist Path of Awakening Course; “The Path of Unification” & “Ego: the Thought that We Exist (Chapter 66-67)”